
Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion

The Walking and Cycling Index



Media type:

Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion

Employees / workplace, Community, Families / residential, Individuals, Town centres / Urban, Pupils & students / education, Leisure & recreation / tourism

The Walking and Cycling Index supports leaders of cities and towns to understand and improve walking, wheeling and cycling across the UK and Ireland.
It provides high-quality evidence to help bring our neighbourhoods back to life and ensure walking and cycling are attractive and accessible for everyone.

Key statistics

serious long-term health conditions prevented by every day walking, wheeling and cycling in the citites that take part in the Walking and Cycling Index
?1.1 billion
in economic benefit for individuals and index cities by every day walking, wheeling and cycling
90,000 tonnes
of greenhouse gas emissions saved by every day walking, wheeling and cycling
The Walking and Cycling Index is the new name for 'Bike Life'. It's the biggest ever survey of walking, wheeling and cycling in 18 urban areas across the UK and Ireland. Each city reports on the progress made towards making walking, wheeling and cycling more attractive, everyday ways to travel.

Do you have a suggestion?

If you spot an out of date resource or have a suggestion for a useful resource we could add, please get in touch.

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